An assessment of your home will be performed by our trained technicians to assist you in identifying the most appropriate and effective improvements for your home. During your assessment, our trained technicians will identify the areas in your home where cost-effective energy efficient upgrades and repairs should be made to improve your home. The home report is then forwarded to our skilled repair technicians to complete the work and after a quality assurance review is made of your home to ensure that the work has been performed properly, you’re done! Multi-Residential building owners can apply for the Multi-Residential Home Energy Improvement Program.
Who is Eligible?
- Applicants must be an LADWP residential customer
- Property must be a single-family, multi-residential (4 units or less), condo or townhome
- Property must not have previously participated in the Home Energy Improvement Program
On this page
How to Apply
Interested customers must send us a completed Home Energy Improvement Program Application. If you are not the owner of the property, LADWP will request the owner’s written approval before an assessment is scheduled.
Apply Online
By Mail
- Print, read, complete, sign, and date your application
- If tenant, have the owner initial section 3 of the application
- Mail application to the address noted below
- For your records, please make a copy of all the pages prior to mailing.
Mail completed application to:
Los Angeles Department of Water and Power
Attn: Home Energy Improvement Program
PO Box 51111, Room 1019
Los Angeles, CA 90051-5799
Once your application is reviewed, a LADWP representative will schedule a visit to assess your home to identify the areas where improvement would improve the efficiency of your home. The home report is then forwarded to a team of skilled repair technicians to complete the work.
Contact Us
If you have any questions regarding the Home Energy Improvement Program, please contact us.
- Home Energy Improvement Program
PO Box 51111, Room 1019 Los Angeles CA 90051-0100
Program Documents
Related Programs
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Solar Rooftops
SRP is designed to expand access to solar participation for qualified LADWP residential customers who otherwise may not be able to participate in solar because of the high cost of installing panels. The program launched in early 2017 and was revised to expand the program's scope and eligibility in May 2019.
Used Electric Vehicle Rebate Program
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Utility Built Solar (UBS)
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This program is subject to change or termination without notice.
By applying for an LADWP rebate and/or program, personal information provided may be subject to public disclosure by requesting parties, pursuant to the California Public Records Act.