Resources for Homeowners, Builders, Developers, and Contractors

Submit requests for new construction or remodeling projects that require you to install, upgrade, relocate, or modify electrical loads, equipment, or meters.

For more information or to get started, select your project type below.

Residential and Subdivision

Residential projects including single family homes, accessory dwelling units (ADU) or guest houses, mobile homes, and multi lot subdivisions or housing tracts.

Residential and Subdivision

Business and Commercial

Commercial and industrial projects including retail shopping centers, office buildings, warehouses, manufacturing, hotels, and all other types of businesses.

Business and Commercial

Solar and Battery Energy Storage

Customer generation and energy storage projects including solar panels or photovoltaic (PV) cells, wind turbines, fuel cells, and battery energy storage systems (BESS). Project types include Net Energy Metering (NEM) and Feed-in Tariff (FiT).

Solar and Battery Energy Storage

Multifamily and Mixed Use

Multifamily residential projects including apartment, townhome, and condominium complexes that may also include mixed-use retail units. Affordable housing developments are also included in this category.

Multifamily and Mixed Use

Temporary, Seasonal, and Construction Service

Temporary services for construction sites or short term (seasonal) businesses, including Christmas tree lot, bazaar, fair, carnival, and circus sites.

Temporary, Seasonal, and Construction Service

Utility, Telecom, and Public Agency Projects

Public and private utilities or agencies, telecommunication companies, and transportation agencies such as SoCal Gas, LAUSD, Verizon, AT&T, Spectrum, DOT, MTA, CalTrans, Metrolink, LAWA, etc.

Utility, Telecom, and Public Agency Projects

Backup Generator and Transfer Switch

When installing a emergency or standby generator that is connected to your service panel, the equipment configuration and transfer switch must be reviewed and approved by LADWP engineering.

Backup Generator and Transfer Switch

Will Serve Letter

Request for a utility letter verifying the availability of electric service for your construction project.

Will Serve Letter

Arc Flash Study

Obtain utility information for an arc flash study.

Arc Flash Study

Feasibility Study

Request a feasibility study to determine the preliminary method of service and approximate LADWP costs for your project.

Feasibility Study