Get Started

Electronic Request-Solicit-Procure (eRSP) System
LADWP’s newly redesigned online bidding portal, the eRSP System is now live - providing a more efficient bidding process for companies and small firms looking to do business with LADWP.

Local Business Preference Program
The LBPP is designed to boost local and local small business participation in City contracting and increase employment opportunities for hardest-to-employ populations.
Procurement Resources
We work with a wide variety of contractors and are strongly committed to supplier diversity and business inclusion to enhance our contracting and purchasing operations. We believe that fostering a strong, local business community greatly benefits our city’s economy.
The first sales contact should be with Supply Chain Services. Buyers will acquaint vendors with procedures and direct them to the appropriate Business Units for the goods and services they provide. Only the Director of Supply Chain Services or an action of the Board of Water and Power Commissioners (Board) can authorize or commit the LADWP for the purchase of materials, services, or equipment. All Board awarded contracts are subject to review and action by the Los Angeles City Council. No payment will be made for any goods delivered or services rendered without a purchase order.
Contract Compliance Provisions
Information on current ordinances and programs applicable to contracts awarded by LADWP.
Supplier Diversity
Information on programs that support business inclusion and supplier diversity.
Contractor Performance Evaluation Program
Information on the CPEP and contractor performance evaluations, monitoring and reporting.
Risk Management
Information on LADWP’s risk management policies and goals.
Cyber Security Risk Management
Instructions and requirements in LADWP’s Cyber Security Risk Management Evaluation.
About Competitive Bidding
Competitive bidding is the primary method to obtain solicitations. Competitive bids are not subject to negotiations and an award is made to the lowest and best regular responsible bidder. Such determination may be made on the basis of the lowest ultimate cost to LADWP of such materials or equipment in place and use. All qualified suppliers will be given an equal opportunity to do business with the LADWP and utilizes competitive bidding to award contracts.
Contract Awards Listing
See a listing of all contracts awarded by LADWP Supply Chain Services.
LADWP Supply Chain Services Division
Phone (213) 367-2252
Email [email protected]
Contact Accounts Payable
Vendors should first contact their contract administrator for any issue related to their contract with the LADWP.
Phone (213) 367-3114