Developing a robust and actionable power plan is essential for LADWP to achieve a clean energy future for Los Angeles. The Power Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) was expanded into the SLTRP, which has a 25-year horizon that aligns with state goals for greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reductions. LADWP continues to produce an IRP that is submitted to the California Energy Commission every five years.
The SLTRP identifies options for a portfolio of electric resources, based on comprehensive research and analysis, latest regulatory framework, and market dynamics. The plan is guided by the following objectives:
- Reliability and resiliency of the Power System
- Regulatory compliance
- Environmental stewardship, including pursuing renewable energy resources and reducing GHG emissions
- Maintaining low and stable rates
- Equitable consideration for all customer communities
Stakeholder Engagement and Outreach
Through rigorous analysis and community outreach efforts, the SLTRP evaluates various strategies in light of these objectives to help identify the optimal resource combination to meet the utility’s core mission of providing low cost, reliable, resilient, equitable, and clean electric power service to the 4 million residents of Los Angeles and its businesses. Every two years, the SLTRP is developed with robust stakeholder engagement through an L.A.-based Advisory Group.
The Advisory Group is designed to reflect the diverse perspectives and expertise necessary to understand the challenges and possibilities for achieving a 100% carbon-free power supply by 2035. Their valuable feedback and questions help inform rigorous modeling efforts, wider-scale community outreach, and various strategies to identify the optimal pathway and resource combination to reach L.A.’s clean energy goals.
2024 AG Meetings and Presentations
Advisory Group Meeting #6 (December 5, 2024)
Advisory Group Meeting #5 (September 19, 2024)
Advisory Group Meeting #4 (June 27, 2024)
Advisory Group Meeting #3 (May 16, 2024)
Advisory Group Meeting #2 (April 18, 2024)
Advisory Group Kick-off Meeting #1 (March 21, 2024)
- SLTRP Background Overview Presentation
- SLTRP LA100 Equity Strategies Presentation
- SLTRP Power System Vision
- SLTRP 2024 Overview
- Protocols
2022 AG Meetings and Presentations
Advisory Group Meeting #11 (September 22, 2022)
Advisory Group Meeting #10 (August 12, 2022)
Advisory Group Meeting #9 (June 30, 2022)
Advisory Group Meeting #8 (April 28, 2022)
Advisory Group Meeting #7 (December 17, 2021)
- SLTRP Meeting Summary AG #7
- SLTRP Agenda Meeting #7
- SLTRP Presentation Meeting #7
- SLTRP Energy Storage Update
- SLTRP LA100 Equity Strategies Overview
Advisory Group Meeting #6 (November 17, 2021)
- SLTRP Meeting Summary AG #6
- SLTRP Agenda Meeting #6
- LA100 Next Steps Scenario Matrix
- SLTRP Presentation Meeting #6
- SLTRP Distribution Automation Meeting #6
Advisory Group Meeting #5 (November 10, 2021)
- SLTRP Meeting Summary AG #5
- SLTRP Meeting #5 Agenda
- 2022 SLTRP Presentation
- LA100 SLTRP NREL Presentation
Advisory Group Meeting #4 (October 22, 2021)
Advisory Group Meeting #3 (October 8, 2021)
Advisory Group Meeting #2 (September 30, 2021)
- SLTRP Meeting Summary AG #2
- LA100 Next Steps SLTRP Presentation Meeting #2
- OPA Presentation of NREL LA100 Review
- SLTRP Assumptions and Power System Reliability Program Presentation
Advisory Group Kick-Off Meeting (September 23, 2021)
Power Strategic Long-Term Resource Plan
A: The Power Strategic Long-Term Resource Plan (SLTRP) is the LADWP’s long range blueprint identifying its preferred future mix of electric resources for providing reliable, environmentally responsible electric service at competitive rates to its customers.
A: The Power SLTRP is LADWP’s long range plan for securing adequate generation resources in order to meet its obligation to provide adequate and low-cost electric service to Los Angeles. The Power SLTRP lays out a balanced set of near-term actions and long-term goals for increasing renewable and energy efficiency resources, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and upgrading aging infrastructure.
A: The Power SLTRP uses a computerized production cost model to perform rigorous analyses to weigh the reliability, economic impacts, and GHG reduction of alternative resource strategies (strategic options). These options are comprised of different combinations of assumptions and resource portfolios. The model runs are performed over the IRP’s 20-year planning horizon to find the least cost method of meeting the LADWP’s electric system demand using a specified generating resource mix.
A: A generation portfolio is a combination of supply and demand resource assets/additions selected for evaluation for meeting resource adequacy requirements over the planning period. The key assumptions used to define various portfolios include RPS target, compliance with GHG reduction requirements, coal replacement, renewable strategy, in-basin repowering, and energy efficiency penetration.
A: A strategic option is created by combining a single generation portfolio with a given future scenario. A scenario is a set of unique future conditions, such as an assumed set of future fuel prices. Using production cost modeling analysis, each strategic option is evaluated against criteria that include cost, reliability, and environmental benefits. A set of strategic options is developed from which a preferred option is selected considering trade-offs among the criteria.
A: Energy Efficiency (EE) resources are incorporated into the resource portfolios of all strategic options modeled in the Power SLTRP. The appropriate EE forecast used is based on results from the most current EE investigation commissioned by LADWP. Known as “Energy Efficiency Potential Studies”, these investigations are conducted periodically and the Power SLTRP will incorporate the findings of the latest available potential study.
A: Short-term actions are activities that LADWP must undertake within the next five years to maintain the reliability of LADWP’s Power System. These activities need to occur regardless of the composition of the long-range resource portfolio ultimately selected. Long-term goals refer to LADWP’s 20- year resource strategy based on results from the modeling analysis and Power SLTRP process. The conclusions from this long-term analysis, however, are heavily dependent on a number of assumptions that are subject to change. As such, power strategic long-term resource planning is an on-going process. LADWP plans to continuously adapt and refine the Power SLTRP as uncertainties are better understood and policy direction and requirements evolve. A new Power SLTRP will be issued every two years; with updates issued in-between year.