Newsletter Article

2022 in Review: Achievements in Energy Efficiency and Transportation Electrification

With a new year comes a fresh sense of possibility, one that’s bolstered further when we take stock of the accomplishments of the previous year. Looking back at 2022, Los Angeles’s strides toward its sustainability goals have been nothing but impressive. And for that, in part, we have you, our LADWP Key Account customers, to thank, who kept your achievements in energy efficiency and transportation electrification going strong in 2022 with the support of our Commercial Lighting Incentive Program (CLIP) and Charge Up LA! program for electric vehicle (EV) incentives.

Charging Ahead with EVs

With EVs, we are surging toward our ambitious goals of 45,000 commercial level 2 and DC fast chargers by 2025 and 120,000 by 2030. As a city, we met two major EV milestones in 2022: Los Angeles recently surpassed 100,000 EV registrations, and now, more than 20,000 commercial chargers have been installed in the city. Currently, there are more than 31,000 existing and in-progress commercial EV chargers in LA. Of those, 13,768 were added in FY21/22—13,443 Level 2 chargers and 325 Direct Current Fast Chargers (DCFCs). These gains from FY21/22 account for 44% of the city’s current existing and in-progress chargers and nearly one-third of the 2025 goal.

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Through our Charge Up LA! program, we support our customers in their contributions to these milestones by offering robust rebates for making the EV transition. In FY21/22 alone, we allocated a total of $37.6 million in rebates for the installation of EV chargers and the purchase of used EVs. 

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In 2023, we look forward to continuing to offer EV rebates to our business community. Enrollment is open for customers interested in rebates of up to $125,000 per charging station for medium- and heavy-duty (MDHD) vehicles, such as buses and delivery trucks. Although enrollment is currently closed for commercial rebates of up to $5,000 per Level 2 charger and up to $75,000 per DCFC, we encourage you to learn more about our EV rebates online or from your Key Account advisor.

CLIP Brings a Bright Future

Over the past year, the Commercial Lighting Incentive Program (CLIP) continued working hard to help our customers make their businesses more efficient by incentivizing lighting retrofit projects. In 2022, almost 160 projects had taken advantage of CLIP’s calculated savings approach, an almost 40% increase over the total number of projects in the previous year.

CLIP awards financial incentives based on the amount of energy the customer’s project will save each year. In 2022, more than $7 million in financial incentives were paid out for completed lighting projects. These projects produced significant savings, with the aggregate annual amount of energy saved equivalent to removing approximately 5,000 homes from the grid or taking 2,000 gasoline-powered cars off the road.

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Efficiency projects, like the ones completed under CLIP, offer a host of benefits for both participating customers and Los Angeles alike. For customers, financial incentives and reduced utility bills resulting from improved efficiency improve their business’ bottom lines. At the same time, such efficiency projects help drive Los Angeles closer to our sustainability goals, as energy efficiency stands among the factors that will help us reach 100% carbon-free energy in the most cost-effective manner. 

To learn more about how CLIP can support you in making your lighting more efficient, attend an upcoming CLIP informational webinar by emailing [email protected] or reach out to your Key Account advisor for more program information. The next webinar will be held on January 26, 2023, and additional upcoming dates are available on the CLIP web page.

In the years ahead, our customers’ efforts in transportation electrification and energy efficiency will help us as a utility and Los Angeles as a city move toward our green future. We are honored to support you in these efforts and thank you for your participation in the programs we offer. As always, our Key Account advisors are available to assist you with your utility needs, and we encourage you to contact your advisor to learn more about CLIP, Charge Up LA!, or any of our other programs. 

January 2023 Connections Newsletter

From industry trends and best practices to sustainability initiatives, our monthly Connections Newsletter provides valuable insights, updates, and resources to support our large business customers.

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