The Los Angeles Aqueducts, local groundwater, and supplemental water purchased from the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California (MWD) are the primary sources of water supply for the City of Los Angeles (City). The water from the MWD is delivered through the Colorado River Aqueduct and the State Water Project’s California Aqueduct. These three sources have historically delivered an adequate and reliable supply to serve the City’s needs. Implementation of recycled water projects is progressing and is expected to fill a larger role in Los Angeles’ water supply portfolio. Stormwater capture projects for groundwater recharge to improve groundwater reliability are also being developed. Despite the declining water supply due to environmental enhancements and impacts from climate change, the LADWP remains committed to creating sustainable sources of water to meet the future needs of Los Angeles.
Urban Water Management Plan
The LADWP Urban Water Management Plan (UWMP) serves as the Water System’s primary resource planning document for achieving compliance with the requirements of California’s Urban Water Management Planning Act. The UWMP serves as the master plan for water supply and resources management consistent with the City of Los Angeles' goals and policy objectives.

Children's Book – "Los Angeles Water Future"
"Los Angeles Water Future" conveys important facts about how the City obtains and purifies its water supply. The book also summarizes plans on how LADWP and the City will meet the future needs of its customers through expanding local supplies, including conservation efforts, which will also result in reducing the need to buy imported water from two major aqueducts. The book also shows ways that children can help save water.