Save energy, save money!
Small, easy changes to your energy usage can add up to big savings! Check out a few simple tips to live a more conservation-focused lifestyle at home.

Use Energy-Efficient Lighting
Replace incandescent light bulbs and compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs) with light emitting diode bulbs (LEDs) to save energy and money! LEDs are more energy efficient, last longer, and help you save money on your electric bill. Don't forget, turn off lights when not in use.
Get a Variable Speed Pool Pump & Motor
Replacing a Single Speed Pool Pump with a Variable Speed Pool Pump can save up to 1,100 kWh annually. Program it to run on low speed most of the time to increase the filter efficiency, reduce pump noise, and lower the amount of electricity used.

Be Aware of “Energy Vampires"
Any appliance with a clock or “instant on” setting is an “Energy Vampire”, as it uses electricity 24/7. Unplug all non-essential appliances and electronics when fully charged and not in use. Consider installing an advanced power strip or smart plug, which can automatically turn off idle electronics.

Block the Heat
Solar radiation entering through windows contributes to indoor heat gain and requires more AC to stay comfortable. Use shading devices, such as blinds, curtains, shade awnings, window films, or installing reflective or low-emissivity (low-e) windows that help block heat from entering your home.

Adjust Appliance Use and Settings
Limit the use of household appliances during peak hours of the day — use heavy appliances during early morning or later evening hours. Adjust appliance settings to save energy, such as washing clothes in cold water, not setting your refrigerator and freezer temperatures lower than necessary.

Ventilate your home in the late evening by opening windows and doors to clear out the heat in your home and allow cooler outdoor air to circulate inside. Consider a whole house fan to improve ventilation and air circulation.

Install a Smart Thermostat
Install and set a programmable or smart thermostat. Setting to 65 degrees in Winter and to 78 degrees in Summer while at home and switching to energy saving mode when away can help save energy.