Fairmont Sedimentation Treatment Plant updated image 11.30.23

The Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (LADWP) intends to construct and operate the Fairmont Sedimentation Plant Project to maintain the quality and reliability of the City of Los Angeles potable water supply. The project would improve raw water quality through a reduction in sediment in the water delivered by the First and Second Los Angeles Aqueducts (LAA) to the Los Angeles Aqueduct Filtration Plant (LAAFP), where the water receives additional treatment and disinfection before entering the City’s potable water distribution system.

Project Background

Currently, aqueduct water is treated in a two-step process at two separate locations, pretreatment at North Haiwee Reservoir and final treatment at the Los Angeles Aqueduct Filtration Plant. While this current two-step process has been successful in treating LAA water to meet water quality goals and regulatory requirements, it is approaching its operational limits. Furthermore, LADWP has recently completed the Neenach Pump Station in the Antelope Valley, which will pump raw water from the State Water Project (SWP) East Branch into the Los Angeles Aqueduct upstream of Fairmont Reservoir No. 2. SWP East Branch water may experience elevated levels of sediment on occasion that could contribute to reduced treatment capacity of the LAAFP. With the implementation of this project, The Fairmont Sedimentation Plant will provide the desired operational flexibility and reliability the department would like to provide to the city.

Construction Information

Fairmont Sedimentation will consist of 3 construction parts:

  • 1.5 miles of existing unpaved access roads will be paved for construction and operational vehicle access
  • Relining Fairmont Reservoir #2 and modification of the Reservoir Inlet Structure
  • Fairmont Sedimentation Plant
    • Sedimentation Treatment
    • Sludge de-watering facility
    • Solids Waste Facility and Storage
    • Administration Building
    • Testing Laboratory
    • Operations Control Room


Project Schedule

Groundbreaking Spring 2026
Completion Spring 2030



California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA)

Completion date of September 2018

Contact Us

Priscilla Gonzalez 
Project Manager 
[email protected]

Terinn Holman
Community Liaison 
[email protected] 

 Updated April 11, 2024