Project Background

City Trunk Line South – Unit 2 (CTLS-2) is the second of 6 units of the City Trunk Line South (CTLS) Project. The CTLS Project is part of the LADWP's aggressive Capital Improvement Program to replace the City's aging water infrastructure system. The CTLS Project is a replacement of approximately 42,000 feet of 51-inch to 72-inch diameter riveted steel City Trunk Line from the intersection of Canterbury Avenue and Nagle Avenue to the North Portal of the Franklin Tunnel near Coldwater Canyon, south of Ventura Blvd. The City Trunk Line has a history of leaks and breaks and will be required to adequately withstand higher pressures in the future. The new trunk line will provide a more reliable supply of water to the area and will allow greater operational flexibility of the water distribution system in the City of Los Angeles.

Scope of Project

The CTLS-2 Project consisted of the installation of approximately 10,000 linear feet of 66, 60, 54, and 24-inch diameter welded steel pipeline and appurtenances. The project route was along Coldwater Canyon Avenue (south of Sherman Way) to Vanowen Street, along Vanowen Street ending at Morella Avenue.


Construction Contract Award: November 18, 2008
Notice To Proceed: January 6, 2009
Start of construction: June 3, 2009
End of construction: May 10, 2012

Construction of the pipeline was broken into 32 work zones and each work zone averaged 600 to 800 feet long.

Residents and businesses were notified of the construction progress. Occasional community meetings were held to keep the community updated, along with a public access telephone line listed below.

LADWP Contact Information

For additional information regarding this project, contact Mr. Terrence McCarthy, Project Manager, at (213) 367-4270 or by email at [email protected].

Updated January 31, 2013