The article is under Programs and Rebates

Demand Side Grid Support (DSGS) Program

Apply Today

The Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (LADWP) is accepting requests from battery storage aggregators to participate in the CEC DSGS Program within LADWP’s service territory. The DSGS Program offers incentives to electric customers that provide load reduction and backup generation to support the state’s electrical grid during extreme events, reducing the risk of blackouts.

More information can be found at the CEC’s website here.

LADWP Requirements for CEC DSGS Participation

The following are the Incentive Option 3 requirements for Aggregators.

Incentive Option 3, Market-Aware Behind-the-Meter Battery Storage. Aggregators shall:

  • Respond only to Olivine-issued event notifications for the DSGS Program. Olivine shall only issue event notifications for LADWP Balancing Authority (BA) that originate from LADWP and no other entity.
  • Submit a DSGS Participation Enrollment Report, in the required format, to LADWP before the fifteenth of each calendar month.
  • Provide to LADWP REST API access (or other equivalent data sharing access as approved by LADWP) to performance data for each individual storage and solar device that is enrolled into a DSGS aggregation for the duration of the CEC DSGS Program. Performance data must be measurable in at least 15-minute intervals.
  • Disenroll any LADWP customer from the CEC DSGS aggregation that is receiving payment or accounting for the same reduction in use of electricity, including energy export, through any other utility or state program upon notification from LADWP or other sponsoring entity.
  • Disenroll from the DSGS aggregation any LADWP customer that is found to be in violation of the LADWP Interconnection Agreement, LADWP Electric Service Requirements, or LADWP NEM Guidelines.
  • Provide to LADWP all CEC DSGS application materials submitted to the CEC and all DSGS Program records provided by the CEC or its agent(s) for each aggregation.
  • Not use the LADWP name, seal, or logo without prior written approval from LADWP.
  • Integrate with LADWP’s future Distributed Energy Resource Management System or Demand Response Management System and enable LADWP control of the DSGS aggregation.
  • Comply with future LADWP interconnection screening requirements as DER aggregations continue to grow.

How to apply

DSGS Provider may apply via email.

  1. Complete the LADWP DSGS Program Application.

  2. Send completed LADWP DSGS Program Application to [email protected]

  3. LADWP will review DSGS Program Application for completeness and eligibility. LADWP will notify the DSGS provider applicant point of contact if the application is incomplete. After approving a complete DSGS provider application, LADWP will provide a PDF DSGS Permission Statement to the DSGS provider point of contact indicating if permission to participate with LADWP was granted.

  4.  If DSGS Provider receives a LADWP DSGS Permission Statement, they may begin enrolling eligible customers in LADWP service territory.

  5. Complete the DSGS Option 3 Participant Enrollment Report. Include all LADWP customers that will be enrolled in the DSGS Program.

  6. Send completed DSGS Option 3 Participant Enrollment Report to [email protected]. LADWP will review the Participant Enrollment Report for completeness and eligibility prior to the DSGS provider submitting to the CEC. LADWP will notify the DSGS provider point of contact if the Participant Enrollment Report is incomplete. After approving a complete enrollment report, LADWP will provide confirmation to the DSGS provider point of contact.

  7. DSGS providers must submit to LADWP an ongoing Participant Enrollment Report every 15th of the month to identify changes to participation.

  8. After receiving feedback from LADWP on the Participant Enrollment Report, submit a LADWP approved DSGS Option 3 Participation Enrollment Report directly to CEC with a separate email attachment of the file to [email protected]